
Merry Christmas by Colour

I hope you've had a grand xmas... I know I have, but I can't wait 'til 2009! Here's a little project run by Raw Design with all the profits going to Calm. Yep, that's me there, under 'Tacky tinsel Gold'!


More Lovely People

I've just seen that a recent piece I've done to show off my display typeface Nostalgia 3D has appeared on www.flickrdesign.com

flickrdesign.com is a blog designed to showcase the best graphic design that appears on flickr.

Thanks guys!


Daydream Magazine

The lovely people at Daydream Magazine have included a piece of my work in their latest issue. More pictures to follow shortly, but you can see a taster above.

The 5th Edition of Daydream represents a truly global lineup, featuring indivduals and collectives from cities including New York, Tel Aviv, Berlin, Newcastle, Buenos Airies, Santiago, Manilla, Sao Paolo, Los Angeles, Beijing, Amsterdam, Oslo, Warsaw, Bristol, Moscow, Barcelona, London, Brighton and beyond. With writing, artwork, product design and photography - DD05 showcases hidden gems alongside established names from creative communities across the globe.

You can get your copy here.